Earth Moon and Sun WebQuest

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WebQuest's are great resources to use in the classroom because they give the student the freedom to explore the internet on their own finding information pertaining to your lesson, while still giving you control over the websites they use to ensure their safety and appropriateness.

This WebQuest is designed to help students explore the internet in search of information based on THE EARTH, MOON and SUN.

There are 3 - 4 recommended websites for the students to use to help them find the information laid out on the worksheet. Depending on your class you may set up the websites ahead of time, or have them type in the websites themselves.

The worksheet is broken up into a vocabulary section as well as questions they must answer. There is also a diagram for the students to complete.

If they get done early there are some interactive fun websites listed that the students can use to continue learning.

This is an amazing website to teach students how gravity affects and interacts between the Earth, Moon and Sun. The website is built for between 1 and 3 students. It starts out with a short video game to capture the students attention. It than leads into and extremely interactive website designed to teach the effects of gravity between out Earth, Moon and Sun. My students have always loved this WebQuest.

Total Pages2 pages
Answer Key - N/A
Teaching Duration - 55 minutes
Grade Levels6th - 9th
Subjects - Science, Astronomy, Earth Science