This zip file contains all the materials necessary to prepare a class for a community based instruction lesson to MALL FOOD COURT.
A CBI is a lesson geared towards teaching students, mostly special education classes, how to act socially, handle money and order food within the community.
The math involved is basic, however, real world based. The zip file contains a 14 slide Powerpoint including a pre-class warm-up, lesson and section based on proper social skills and what to expect.
It also includes a 3 page worksheet that coincides with the Promethean lesson.
Skills Touched Upon:
Basic Addition
Figuring Change
*** Just because this unit is geared towards a special education CBI, it is a great unit for an in the classroom real world math lesson ***
Teaching Duration - 4 days
Grade Levels - 3rd - 7th, Homeschool
Subjects - Basic Operations, Special Education, Life Skills
Resource Type - Worksheets, Cooperative Learning, Activboard Activities
This Lesson can also be found on Teachers Pay Teacher at Real World Math (POWERPOINT) - Mall Food Court CBI; Life Skills