This is a zipped file containing all the sections necessary for a unit on the Roaring 20's. This unit should take about a week and a half to 2 weeks to complete. The file includes PowerPoints on:
Roaring 20's Vocab ppt
Roaring 20's ppt - 76 slides
Return to Normalcy (post WW1) Jigsaw Lesson - worksheet
Roaring 20's Test and answers
Roaring 20's Review Sheet
Roaring 20's Review Game - Millionaire ppt
Total Pages - N/A
Answer Key - N/A
Teaching Duration - 2 Weeks
Grade Levels - 6th - 9th
Subjects - Social Studies - History, U.S. History, World History
Resource Type - Unit Plans, Whole Courses
This Lesson can also be found on Teachers Pay Teacher at Roaring 20's Unit