Using Percent -Discounts and Sales Tax Webquest

Sale price $4.00 Regular price $5.00


Webquests are valuable tools for classroom use, enabling students to independently navigate the internet and gather information relevant to your lesson, while maintaining a safe and appropriate online environment. This specific WebQuest is specifically crafted to guide students in researching DETERMINING TIPS AND SALES TAX. The worksheet provided includes a recommended website for students to utilize in completing their task. Depending on your class, you may choose to pre-select the websites or allow students to input them themselves. The interactive features of the website align perfectly with the worksheet, as students virtually navigate through a mall and encounter various scenarios involving taxes and discounts. This self-paced activity allows students to progress at their own speed, with built-in assistance if needed.


Total Pages2 pages
Answer Key - included
Teaching Duration - 50 Minutes
Grade Levels - 5th-7th Grades, Homeschool
Subjects - Money, percentages, Sales Tax
Resource Type - Worksheets, Assessments, Homework

This Lesson can also be found on Teachers Pay Teacher at Finding Sales Tax Webquest

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Heather T
Great Resource!

7th Grade

Heather T
Great Resource!

7th Grade

Heather T
Great Resource!

7th Grade

Heather T
Great Resource!

7th Grade

Heather T
Great Resource!

7th Grade